Join the Customer Advisory Board Customer Advisory Board (“CAB”) is an invite-only group in which highly-engaged customers share feedback, suggest add-ons & enhancements, and more importantly, help us better serve your business. The members of the board have been carefully selected by team to represent the diversity of our customer base. 

What is the Customer Advisory Board (“CAB”)?

Our Customer Advisory Board (“CAB”) is a slack channel comprised of customers, gurus, and employees. CAB Members surface app issues, suggest product enhancements, and share their experiences. In turn, CAB members have the opportunity to serve as beta testers and are granted early access to new features and exclusive news and offers.

CAB members are expected to engage in community discussions, provide user feedback, and participate in user interviews. employees are expected to respond to community messages within one business day. 

Platform Updates

These will include information from product updates to feedback requests, to the news you might find interesting.

Private check-ins from Managers via Slack. Have questions about the app or maybe very specific feedback to share? Take advantage of this one-on-one time to chat with the team.

Our Ask 

Send feedback (or say hello!) in the Slack channel at least once a month. Members who choose to not engage for longer than 2 months will be removed.

You agree to participate in at least one Zoom feedback session once a quarter. Help us build new features!

When you are granted access to CAB, you agree to:

  • A zero-tolerance policy for racism, sexism, genderism, classism, and any other ism that you can think to include.
  • To not share any personal details, as it relates to Personal Identifying Information
  • Maintain a respectful atmosphere. We’re all friends here.
  • Do not harass users or employees.

Join The Customer Advisory Board

Do you agree to meet the requirements and follow the rules of the Slack community??